Archive: News
Costa Rican Youth Ambassador Alumni Take Action During Pandemic
Youth Ambassador alumni Deily Alpizar, Melanie Morales, and Brian Paz carry out a COVID rapid response initiative in San Carlos, Costa Rica.
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Student Leaders Program Pivots to Deliver Virtual Leadership Training
The CIED team designed a virtual program to strengthen leadership and community engagement for 1,400+ Student Leader alumni from 19 countries reaching back to program inception in 2003.
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MEPI Student Leaders Program Alumni Celebrate 2020 Kickoff Reunion
Dr. Rita Stephan (MEPI Director) addressed a virtual alumni kickoff reunion organized by CIED Georgetown.
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Youth Ambassadors Goes Virtual!
When the COVID crisis hit and travel plans were cancelled, Twenty-four (24) U.S. youth and teachers took part in an innovative virtual exchange that focused on leadership development training and cross-cultural connections.
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Gateway to Georgetown Hosts Virtual International Management Program
Gateway to Georgetown overcame challenges as it transitioned its series of nine Business Management Programs to a virtual environment due to the impact of coronavirus.
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Automation & Artificial Intelligence in the Era of COVID-19
In this Webinar, Professor Jose-Luis Guerrero explains how Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an essential role in the progress and evolution of society.
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Build Your Gateway to Georgetown Program
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Strategic Communications for Graduate Students from Adolfo Ibáñez University
The program offered 5 days of classes and site visits to relevant organizations in Washington DC, including the Department of State, and The Pew Research Center, among others.
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New Politics and Governance program with Universidad de Navarra
Gateway to Georgetown implemented a two-week program providing in-depth exposure to the American political processes, U.S foreign policy initiatives, and the impact of critical events throughout American history.
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French MBA Students Deepen Understanding of American Business and Society
Over the course of three months, Gateway to Georgetown hosted nine programs on Business Management for graduate students from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) in France. N
Category: News