Archive: Gateway
Strategic Communications for Graduate Students from Adolfo Ibáñez University
The program offered 5 days of classes and site visits to relevant organizations in Washington DC, including the Department of State, and The Pew Research Center, among others.
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New Politics and Governance program with Universidad de Navarra
Gateway to Georgetown implemented a two-week program providing in-depth exposure to the American political processes, U.S foreign policy initiatives, and the impact of critical events throughout American history.
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French MBA Students Deepen Understanding of American Business and Society
Over the course of three months, Gateway to Georgetown hosted nine programs on Business Management for graduate students from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) in France. N
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International Affairs for Graduate Students from Universidad Pontificia Comillas
During the second week of June, Gateway to Georgetown hosted a program on International Affairs for graduate students from Madrid, Spain.
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Adolfo Ibáñez University Graduate Students Study Strategic Communications
Gateway to Georgetown hosted a second program in Strategic Communications for graduate students and academics from Chile’s Adolfo Ibáñez University. The program offered 5 days of classes and site vis
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Emerging Leaders Program in Collaboration with SNAC International
Gateway to Georgetown held the inaugural Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) 2.0 in collaboration with SNAC International, the leading international trade association for the snack industry.
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Strategic Communications for Adolfo Ibáñez University – Chile
The Gateway to Georgetown Program was pleased to host a high-level executive program in Strategic Communications for graduate students and academics during the first week of August from Chile’s Adolfo Ibáñez University.
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