Archive: Featured Faculty

  • Mary D’Amato

    Mary S. D’Amato is the owner and executive coach at 3D Coaching & Consulting. As a business owner for more than 30 years, Mary brings a wealth of leadership, management, and training experien

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty

  • Evan Ellis

    Dr. R. Evan Ellis is a research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, with a focus on the region’s relationships with China and other n

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty

  • Philippe Hermel

    Philippe Hermel is a tenured university Professor, honorary Dean and founder of ISM Graduate School of Management at the University of Versailles Paris Saclay, and research professor at Georg

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty

  • Annie Bartoli

    Professor Bartoli is a university professor in management, who is involved in academic activities at the international level. As a scientific director at the Larequoi Research Center in Ma

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty

  • Eric Langenbacher

    Eric Langenbacher is a Teaching Professor and Director of Honors and Special Programs in the Department of Government, Georgetown University. Langenbacher studied in Canada before completing

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty

  • José Luis Guerrero-Cusumano

    Dr. Guerrero-Cusumano is a member of INFORMS, POMS, ASQ, and ASA, and he is on the editorial board of Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology: An International Journal and on the e

    Categories: Faculty, Featured Faculty