Archive: Case Studies
Nacereddine Semmar
Nacereddine Semmar, 2017 SLP Alumnus, inspires over 100 fellow university students to develop their skills through a series of professional development workshops.
Category: Case Studies
Safae Mefetah
2018 Student Leader Alumna from Morocco Supports Moroccan Arts and Crafts cooperatives through Social Entrepreneurship to overcome new challenges.
Category: Case Studies
Bouchra Messaoudi
Bouchra Messaoudi, 2018 SLP Alumna, develops awareness campaign about helping adults with Down’s syndrome in Ourgala, Algeria.
Category: Case Studies
Rula Fakhoury
2018 SLP Alumna, shares hygienic practices and materials with 600 children from Ra’as Al Naqab, Jordan
Category: Case Studies
Ekram Aljadidi
Ekram Aljadidi, 2017 SLP Alumna, creates extra-curricular programs to inspire 67 children in Tripoli, Libya, to seek out knowledge.
Category: Case Studies
Edwin Morataya
Youth Ambassador Alum receives prestigious Walton International Scholarship award to attend Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas to study computer science.
Category: Case Studies
Emily Ferlis
English Language Fellow in Bulgaria taught English and American culture at the University of Plovdiv.
Category: Case Studies
Mark Dorr
The English Language Fellowship program didn’t just change Mark Dorr’s place in the world; it changed how he saw it.
Category: Case Studies
Salyne El Samarany
MEPI instilled in me the core value of celebrating the value of diversity with a continuous pursuit of equality.
Category: Case Studies
Mario García
Mario is a prime example of the impact that an investment in a single person can have on a community.
Category: Case Studies