Roberto Saco

Roberto Saco has been dedicated to the disciplines of business process management, service quality and innovation, and organizational change for well over 25 years. He has had the opportunity to view businesses and organizations from various perspectives, as a: multinational executive responding to the pressures of globalization, small business owner meeting the realities of cash flow, not-for-profit enterprise officer balancing mission with efficiency, management consultant delivering on the presenting problem while trying to uncover the underlying issues, and as a college professor in business and economics.
Roberto is the Owner and Principal of a management consulting firm, Aporia Advisors, based in Coral Gables, Florida. Aporia defines its practice around the themes of service design, business process management, and organizational change & transformation. He teaches entrepreneurship, strategic and operational planning, leadership, and innovation at Miami-Dade College and for major corporations. In addition to Georgetown University’s CIED program, Roberto has been a guest lecturer at the University of Miami, HEC (Paris), and the Said Business School (U. of Oxford). Aside from his long-term association with professional societies like IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) and ASQ (American Society for Quality), Roberto also belongs to the Change Leaders global community of change management practice.
Roberto has served as a Lead and Senior Examiner for both the Florida Sterling and USA Baldrige Performance Excellence programs and is a Past-President of the American Society for Quality. With over 80,000 individual and organizational members worldwide, ASQ is the leading professional association for performance improvement practitioners and professionals. He is currently a judge for the American Healthcare Association (AHCA) Gold Quality Award, and writes for several journals and magazines including Quality Progress, Industrial Management, Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, QualityWorld, and the Design Management Review.