Robert Bies

Robert J. Bies is Professor of Management and Founder and First Academic Director of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He is currently the Academic Director of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program for DC Public Schools Leaders.
Professor Bies’s current research focuses on leadership, the delivery of bad news, organizational justice, and revenge and forgiveness in the workplace. He has published over 80 academic journal articles and chapters on those topics. In addition, he is co-author of the book, Getting Even: The Truth About Workplace Revenge—And How to Stop It (2009).
Professor Bies has received the Best Teacher award at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. At Georgetown, he has twice received the Joseph Le Moine Award for Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Excellence at the McDonough School of Business; he received the Outstanding Professor of the International Executive MBA Program (IEMBA-2) at the McDonough School of Business; he received the Outstanding Professor of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program (2008) at the McDonough School of Business; he received the Academic Council Professor of the Year Student Choice Award (2011) at the McDonough School of Business; he was voted MBA Professor of the Module by MBA students at the McDonough School of Business, Spring 2011; and he was voted Outstanding Professor of the Global Executive MBA Program (2012) at the McDonough School of Business.
Professor Bies earned his Ph.D. at Stanford University and has worked with many organizations including Abengoa, AIG, AREVA, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boeing, Delta Airlines, Exelon, GlaxoSmithKline, International Monetary Fund, Johnson & Johnson, Marriott Hotels, Merck & Co., Microsoft Brazil, Nigerian Institute of Management, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Novation, Panasonic, Peace Corps, PETAN, POSCO, Rolls Royce North America, Schneider ElectricSK Group, Sprint, Telvent, VMware, The World Bank, and Zurich Financial Services.