Strategic Communications for Graduate Students from Adolfo Ibáñez University

Posted in News | Tagged Gateway
Gateway to Georgetown hosted a third program in Strategic Communications for graduate students, professionals, and academics from Chile’s Adolfo Ibáñez University. The program offered 5 days of classes and site visits to relevant organizations in Washington DC, including the Department of State, and The Pew Research Center, among others.
Participants also visited top rated agencies specialized in the areas of social marketing and communications, like the world-class company Edelman, and they had the chance to learn directly from outstanding professionals and practitioners who work in the areas of big data, branding, storytelling, lobby, and strategic messaging, including former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, Pete Wehner.
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Gateway to Georgetown Programs
Gateway to Georgetown programs are tailored academic training and exchanges for participants from around the world. These programs bring groups of business executives, government officials, and students to Georgetown University for intensive academic instruction, professional networking, and cultural exposure to the United States.