Sabrine Dachraoui
Posted in Case Studies
Sabrine Dachraoui is a very recent 2024 MEPI SLP alumna from Tunisia. She is currently an IT Engineering student specializing in Artificial Intelligence & Data and also is a Researcher in Digital Governance at the Tunisian E-Governance Society. After only one month returning home to Tunisia from the Student Leaders Program Summer Leadership Institute, her Civic Engagement Project quickly gained international recognition earning her an invitation to present her findings at the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2024) hosted by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in Pretoria, South Africa. Through her Civic Engagement Project (CEP), Sabrine is addressing a pressing issue: the lack of machine-readable environmental data accessible to researchers, investors, and policymakers. Her project aims to equip local governments with centralized, digitized tools to enable better understand and manage environmental challenges.
The groundwork for her CEP began with a comprehensive review of environmental municipal e-services across Tunisia’s 24 governorates using the Local Online Service Index (LOSI) methodology. Her research revealed the existence of significant gaps in environmental information availability, with only 20.83% of municipalities providing such data online and 33% offering open data. These findings highlighted critical municipal shortcomings, including a complete absence of information on air pollution and water recycling policies as well as other essential environmental data. These insights underscored the urgent need for improved data transparency and digital governance to support informed decision making and sustainable environmental management in Tunisia.
Her important work, based on her Civic Engagement Project work was officially published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

Funding for the Student Leaders Program is provided by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA-AC).