Mohammad Al Jamal

Mohammad Al Jamal launches Med Synergism and welcomes participants of the first Research Skills Workshop.
Mohammad Al Jamal welcomes participants of the first Research Skills Workshop.

Posted in Case Studies

Mohammad Al Jamal launches Med Synergism and implements the first workshop in Jordan

Mohammad Al Jamal is a medical student at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) and he participated in the 2023 Student Leaders Program (SLP) at Portland State University.  After completing the SLP Summer Leadership Program, Mohammad returned to Jordan to continue his medical studies and to further develop his civic engagement project with a clear vision for change. Building on the leadership skills and global perspectives he gained through the Student Leaders Program, he has since devoted himself to advancing medical education, healthcare, and community health in Jordan. 

Jordanian medical students attend Med Synergism workshop in Irbid.
Jordanian medical students attend the Med Synergism workshop in Irbid.

Mohammad launched his civic engagement project entitled “Med Synergism” after he was awarded funding from the MEPI Alumni Connections program. This innovative project targets his fellow medical students with the goal of improving and developing their skills in the areas of medical research, community health engagement, and strengthening mental health.

Mohammad Al Jamal (left) and Sadeen Sameer (right) give a Med Synergism Workshop certificate to a medical student participant.
Mohammad Al Jamal (left) and Sadeen Sameer (right) give a Med Synergism Workshop certificate to a medical student participant.

Mohammad proudly informed the Georgetown University/SLP team that Med Synergism had successfully completed its first major event—a research skills workshop held on August 10, 2024, in Irbid, Jordan. The workshop brought together medical students from diverse academic backgrounds and universities across Jordan. Over two intensive days and led by the trainer Sadeen Sameer, participants engaged in sessions covering essential topics such as scientific writing, medical referencing, effective navigation of medical research databases like PubMed, understanding medical data types and variables, and an introduction to data analysis.

Funding for the Student Leaders Program is provided by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA-AC).