Salyne El Samarany

Salyne El Samarany

Posted in Case Studies

MEPI instilled in me the core value of celebrating education

After participating in Georgetown University’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) program, Salyne El Samarany was able to expand her involvement in civil society issues. She is a firm believer in the importance of providing an excellent education for children and of eliminating education inequality. She is the CEO of Teach for Lebanon, an organization involved in improving the quality of education in Lebanon, she has represented her home country of Lebanon at several international conferences, and she was named the Lebanese Ambassador of Youth for the Arab Thought Foundation.

Salyne knows that her participation in the MEPI program was instrumental on her life and her career. The program led her to pursue a career in promoting equal educational opportunities for Lebanese children, a cause which she believes is critical to her nation’s well-being.

MEPI instilled in me the core value of celebrating […] [education]. Living with a group of people from the Arab world […] [,] highlighted the importance of gaining exposure to other cultures, understanding others’ perspectives, and finding mutual ground of agreement.

Salyne El Samarany, MEPI Alumna

Salyne is a Nutrition and Diet Therapist graduate from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and is currently pursuing her studies in Masters of Business Administration and Management at the University of Balamand.

Funding for the Student Leaders Program is provided by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA-AC).

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Student Leaders Program

The MEPI Student Leaders Program is a U.S. Department of State sponsored leadership program for undergraduate student leaders from the Middle East and North Africa. The CIED-designed curriculum allows students to develop leadership skills and expand their understanding of civil society and democratic leadership.
